Enabling Employers Awards 2014

Faith Music Centre was one of the recipients of the Enabling Employers Awards 2014 in recognition of support for persons with disabilities. It was held during a Gala Dinner held at Gardens by the Bay on 24 April 2014 with Mr. Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Social and Family Development as Guest of Honor. Ms. Melissa Tan, Director (Operations Unit) received the Award on behalf of Faith Music Centre.

As a part of our social mission, Faith Music Centre provides employment opportunities for visually impaired persons as customer service officers, with support from SG Enable and in close collaboration with the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH). These customer service officers are now deployed in different centers to provide support for music course enquiries and student registration.

On the same evening, Mr. Bernard Poon, Head (Corporate Communications Unit) received commendation as an Enabling Champion in his music works with visually impaired learners.

Another of our social mission is to impart music skills to visually impaired learners, in collaboration with the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH). Together with other music instructors in Faith Music Centre, Mr. Bernard Poon has equipped visually impaired learners with music skills and led them through numerous music performances in old age homes since 2010. These visually impaired learners have also been engaged by Corporations to perform in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects.

The Enabling Employer Awards recognize organizations that have hired persons with disabilities and have made efforts to integrate persons with disabilities with their non-disabled workforce. The Enabling Employers Awards are organized by the Enabling Employers Network and SG Enable, supported by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF)

With these 2 awards, we thank God for our management & staff, students, music instructors and corporate partners for their support and patience with us. We look forward to your continuing support to enable more employment and music opportunities for persons with disabilities.

To God be the Glory!

Alvin Yeo Cheng Hock
Founder/ Group Deputy CEO
On behalf of Faith Music Centre