4th Enabling Employers Awards 2017

Enabling Employers Awards 2017

Faith Music Centre was one of the recipients of the Enabling Employers Awards 2014 in recognition of support for persons with disabilities. It was held during a Gala Dinner held at the Pan Pacific Hotel on 21 July 2017 with Guest of Honor, Mr. Tan Chuan Jin, then Minister for Social and Family Development. Our founder, Mr Alvin Yeo, together with 2 of our assistant music instructors, Jamie Lopes-Lam and Janel Jiang received the Award on behalf of Faith Music Centre.

Faith Music Centre received the Enabling Employers Awards and Enabling Champion Awards in 2017 by SG Enable, an agency dedicated to enabling persons with disabilities. The Enabling Employers Awards (EEA) is a nationally recognized award that honors and recognizes the efforts of employers in hiring and retaining employees with disabilities.